Other Websites


Please visit our other websites:

Jewish Holocaust Rescuers (jewishholocaustrescuers.com)

American Abolitionists (americanabolitionists.com)

Civil War Encyclopedia (civilwarencyclopedia.org)

Civil War Library (civilwarlibrary.org)

Army of Georgia (armyofgeorgia.com)

Union XII Corps (union12thcorps.com)

Eric Saul (easaul.com)

Recently, Saul and a number of other historians and Holocaust institutions have had their reputations impugned by a website entitled isurvived.org.  This website is being run by an individual who is mentally unstable and has used these scurrilous attacks to draw attention to his hate website.  A number of organizations have posted their reply to these attacks, entitled “Report on Kalman K. Brattman (K. K. Brattman) and the Holocaust Survivors Network” which can be accessed at:  KalmanBrattman.com.

Updated April 4, 2020