Bibliography: Rescue by Sweden During the Holocaust


American Jewish Committee. American Jewish Yearbook. Vols. XXXII-XLVIII. (New York: American Jewish Committee, 1931-1947).

American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, Aiding Jews Overseas: Reports of the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, 1939-1942.

American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, The Rescue of Stricken Jews in a World at War, December 1943.

Anger, Per. With Raoul Wallenberg in Budapest: Memories of the War Years in Hungary. (Washington, DC: United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, 1996).

Bender & Weiss, 2007, The Encyclopedia of the Righteous among the Nations: Europe (Part I) and Other Countries, s.v., “Sweden,” pp. 514-517

Berg, Lars G. What Happened in Budapest. (Stockholm: Forsners Förlag, 1949).

Bernadotte, Folke, Count. The Fall of the Curtain: Last Days of the Third Reich. (London: Cassell, 1945).

Bertelsen, Aage. October ’43. (New York: Putnam, 1954).

Carlgren, W. M. Swedish Foreign Policy during the Second World War. (London, 1977).

Kersten, Felix, ed. by Herma Briffault, trans. by Ernest Morwitz. The Memoirs of Doctor Felix Kersten. (New York: Doubleday, 1947).

Koblik, Steven. The Stones Cry Out: Sweden’s Response to the Persecution of the Jews, 1933-1945. (New York: Holocaust Library, 1988).

Koblik, in Laqueur, 2001, The Holocaust Encyclopedia, s.v. “Sweden,” pp. 614-618.

Lévai, Jenö. Black Book on the Martyrdom of Hungarian Jewry. (Central European Times Publishing, 1948).

Lévai, Jenö. Raoul Wallenberg: His Remarkable Life, Heroic Battles and the Secret of His Mysterious Disappearance. (Melbourne: White Ant Occasional Publishing, 1988).

Levine, Ellen. Darkness over Denmark: The Danish Resistance and the Rescue of Jews. (New York: Holiday House, 2000).

Levine, Paul A. From Indifference to Activism: Swedish Diplomacy and the Holocaust: 1938-1944. (Uppsala, Sweden: 1998).

Levine, Paul A. Bureaucracy, resistance, and the Holocaust: Understanding the success of Swedish diplomacy in Budapest, 1944-1945. In Berenbaum, Michael, and Abraham J. Peck (Eds.). The Holocaust and History: The Known, the Unknown, the Disputed, and the Reexamined, pp. 518-535. (Bloomington, Indiana: Indiana University Press, 1998).

Levine, Paul A. Attitudes and action: Comparing the responses of mid-level bureaucrats to the Holocaust. In Cesarani, David, and Paul A. Levine. ‘Bystanders’ to the Holocaust: A Re-evaluation, pp. 212-236. (Portland, OR: Frank Cass, 2002).

Lindenberg, Kurt. “Escape to Sweden.” In Murray Mindlin (Ed.), with Chaim Bernant, Explorations. (London: Erasmus, 1967).

Moore, Bob. Survivors: Jewish Self-help and Rescue in Nazi-occupied Western Europe. (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010).

Persson, Sune. Escape from the Third Reich: The Harrowing True Story of the Largest Rescue Effort Inside Nazi Germany. (New York: Skyhorse Publishing, 2009).

Runberg, Björn. Valdemar Langlet: Le Sauveur en Danger. (Le Coudray-Macouard: Cheminements, 2003).

Svenson, S. Folke Bernadotte: Fredkämpe och folksforsonare. (Stockholm, 1949).

Swedish Ministry for Foreign Affairs. Raoul Wallenberg: Report of the Swedish-Russian Working Group. (Stockholm, 2000).

United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. Historical Atlas of the Holocaust. (New York: Macmillan, 1996).

Valentin, H. “Rescue and Relief Activities in Behalf of Jewish Victims of Nazism in Scandinavia.” YIVO Annual of Jewish Social Science, 8 (1953): 224-251.

Wallenberg, Raoul, translated by Kjersti Board. Letters and Dispatches, 1924-1944. (New York: Arcade Publishing, 1995).

Werner, Emmy E. A Conspiracy of Decency: The Rescue of the Danish Jews during World War II. (Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 2002).

Yahil, Leni. The Rescue of Danish Jewry: Test of a Democracy. (Philadelphia: Jewish Publication Society of America, 1969).

Yahil, L. “Raoul Wallenberg: His Mission and His Activities in Hungary.” Yad Vashem Studies, 15 (1983), pp. 7-53.

Yahil, L. “Scandinavian Countries to the Rescue of Concentration Camp Prisoners.” Yad Vashem Studies, 6 (1967), pp. 181-220.

Yahil, in Gutman, 1990, Encyclopedia of the Holocaust, s.v. “Sweden,” pp. 1437-1440.



Updated November 5, 2017